Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

1. These “Customer Terms” Form a Part of a Binding “Contract”

These Customer Terms (or, if applicable, your written agreement with us) and any Order Form(s) (defined below) together form a binding “Contract” between Customer and us. If any terms in the Customer-Specific Supplement apply to Customer (e.g., if Customer is a U.S. government entity), those terms are also incorporated herein by reference and form part of the Contract. “We,” “our” and “us” currently refer to Giggso, Inc.

2. Your Agreement On Behalf of “Customer”

If you purchase subscription(s), create a team (i.e., a unique URL where a group of users may access the Services, as further described in our Help Center pages), invite users to that team, or use or allow use of that team after being notified of a change to these Customer Terms, you acknowledge your understanding of the then-current Contract and agree to the Contract on behalf of Customer. Please make sure you have the necessary authority to enter into the Contract on behalf of the Customer before proceeding.

3. Customer Choices and Instructions

“Customer” is the organization that you represent in agreeing to the Contract. If your team is being set up by someone who is not formally affiliated with an organization, Customer is the individual creating the team. For example, if you signed up using a personal email address and invited a couple of friends to work on a new startup idea but haven’t formed a company yet, you are the Customer.

4. Signing Up Using a Corporate Email Domain

If you signed up for a plan using your corporate email domain, your organization is Customer, and Customer can modify and re-assign roles on your team (including your role) and otherwise exercise its rights under the Contract. If Customer elects to replace you as the representative with ultimate authority for the team, we will provide you with notice following such election and you agree to take any actions reasonably requested by us or Customer to facilitate the transfer of authority to a new representative of Customer.

5. What This Means

Individuals authorized by Customer to access the Services (an “Authorized User”) may submit content or information to the Services, such as messages or files (“Customer Data”), and Customer may exclusively provide us with instructions on what to do with it. For example, Customer may provision or deprovision access to the Services, enable or disable third party integrations, manage permissions, retention and export settings, transfer or assign teams, share channels, or consolidate teams or channels with other teams or channels. Since these choices and instructions may result in the access, use, disclosure, modification or deletion of certain or all Customer Data, please review the Help Center pages for more information about these choices and instructions. Customer will (a) inform Authorized Users of all Customer policies and practices that are relevant to their use of the Services and of any settings that may impact the processing of Customer Data; and (b) obtain all rights, permissions or consents from Authorized Users and other Customer personnel that are necessary to grant the rights and licenses in the Contract and for the lawful use and transmission of Customer Data and the operation of the Services.

6. Ordering Subscription

A subscription allows an Authorized User to access the Services. No matter the role, a subscription is required for each Authorized User. A subscription may be procured through the Services interface, or in some cases, via an order form entered into between Customer and us (each, an “Order Form”). Please see the Help Center for more information on procuring subscriptions and inviting new Authorized Users. Each Authorized User must agree to the User Terms to activate their subscription. Subscriptions commence when we make them available to Customer and continue for the term specified in the Services “check-out” interface or in the Order Form, as applicable. Each subscription is for a single Authorized User for a specified term and is personal to that Authorized User. We sometimes enter into other kinds of ordering arrangements, but that would need to be spelled out and agreed to in an Order Form. During an active subscription term, adding more subscriptions is fairly easy. Unless the Order Form says otherwise, Customer may purchase more subscriptions at the same price stated in the Order Form and all will terminate on the same date. Check out our Help Center pages for additional information on setting up a team and assigning roles.

7. Purchasing Decisions

We may share information about our future product plans because we like transparency. Our public statements about those product plans are an expression of intent, but do not rely on them when making a purchase. If Customer decides to buy our Services, that decision should be based on the functionality or features we have made available today and not on the delivery of any future functionality or features.

8. Choosing to be a Beta Tester

Occasionally, we look for beta testers to help us test our new features. These features will be identified as “beta” or “pre-release,” or words or phrases with similar meanings (each, a “Beta Product”). Beta Products may not be ready for prime time so they are made available “as is,” and any warranties or contractual commitments we make for other Services do not apply. Should Customer encounter any faults with our Beta Products, we would love to hear about them; our primary reason for running any beta programs is to iron out issues before making a new feature widely available.

9. Feedback Appreciated

The more suggestions our customers make, the better the Services become. If Customer sends us any feedback or suggestions regarding the Services, there is a chance we will use it, so Customer grants us (for itself and all of its Authorized Users and other Customer personnel) an unlimited, irrevocable, perpetual, sublicensable, transferable, royalty-free license to use any such feedback or suggestions for any purpose without any obligation or compensation to Customer, any Authorized User or other Customer personnel. If we choose not to implement the suggestion, please don’t take it personally. We appreciate it nonetheless.

10. Non-Giggso Products

Our Services include a platform that third parties may use to develop applications and software that complement Customer’s use of the Services (each, a “Non-Giggso Product”). We also maintain a directory called the Giggso App Directory where some Non-Giggso Products are available for installation. THESE ARE NOT OUR SERVICES, SO WE DO NOT WARRANT OR SUPPORT NON-GIGGSO PRODUCTS, AND, ULTIMATELY, CUSTOMER (AND NOT US) WILL DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT TO ENABLE THEM. ANY USE OF A NON-Giggso PRODUCT IS SOLELY BETWEEN CUSTOMER AND THE APPLICABLE THIRD PARTY PROVIDER. If a Non-Giggso Product is enabled for Customer’s team, please be mindful of any Customer Data that will be shared with the third party provider and the purposes for which the provider requires access. We will not be responsible for any use, disclosure, modification or deletion of Customer Data that is transmitted to, or accessed by, a Non- Giggso Product. Check out our Help Center pages for more information.

Copyrights © 2025. All rights reserved to Giggso

Copyrights © 2025. All rights reserved to Giggso

Copyrights © 2025. All rights reserved to Giggso